Page 47 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
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Range, and the British Government shall retain possession of this territory and collect
                    the  revenue  thereof,  until  the  full  amount,  with  all  expenses  of  occupation  and
                    collection and interest at 6 per cent per annum, are realized.

                    5.    The Government of Sikkim engages that its subjects shall never again commit
                    depredations on British territory, or kidnap or otherwise molest British subjects. In the
                    event  of  any  such  depredation  or  kidnapping  taking  place,  the  Government  of
                    Sikkim undertakes to deliver up all the persons engaged in such malpractice, as well
                    as the Sirdars or other Chiefs conniving at or benefitting thereby.

                    6.     The Government of Sikkim will at all times seize and deliver up any criminals,
                    defaulters,  or  other  delinquents  who  may  have  taken  refuge within  its  territory,  on
                    demand  being  duly  made  in  writing  by  the  British  Government  through  their
                    accredited  agents.  Should  any  delay  occur  in  complying  with  such  demand,  the
                    police  British  Government  may  follow  the  person  whose  surrender  has  been
                    demanded  into  any  part  of  Sikkim  territory,  and  shall,  on  showing  a  warrant,  duly
                    signed  by  the  British  Agent,  receive  every  assistance  and  protection  in  the
                    prosecution of their object from the Sikkim Officers.

                    7.    Inasmuch as the late misunderstandings between the two Governments have
                    been mainly fomented by the acts of the ex-Dewan Namguay, the Government of
                    Sikkim  engages  that  neither  the  said  Namguay,  nor any of his  blood-relations  shall
                    ever again be allowed to set foot in Sikkim or to take part in the Council of, or hold
                    any office under, the Maharajah or any of the Maharajah’s family at Choombi.

                    8.     The Government of Sikkim from this date abolishes all restrictions on travellers
                    and  monopolies  in  trade  between  me  British  territories  and  Sikkim.  There  shall
                    henceforth be a free reciprocal intercourse, and full liberty of Commerce between
                    subjects of both countries; it shall be lawful for British subjects to go into any part of
                    Sikkim for  the  purpose of  travel  or  trade,  and  the  subjects  of  all  countries  shall  be
                    permitted to reside in and pass through Sikkim, and to expose their goods for sale at
                    any  place  and  in  any  manner  that  may  best  suit  their  purpose,  without  any
                    interference whatever, except as hereinafter provided.

                    9.    The  Government  of  Sikkim  engages  to  afford  protection  to  all  travellers,
                    merchants  or  traders  of  all  countries,  whether  residing  in,  trading  in,  or  passing
                    through Sikkim. lf any merchant, traveller or trader, being a European British subject,
                    shall commit any offence contrary to the laws of Sikkim, and such person shall be
                    punished by the representative of the British Government resident at Darjeeling, and
                    the  Sikkim  Government  will  at  once  deliver  such  offender  over  to  the  British
                    authorities for this purpose, and will, on no account, detain such offender in Sikkim
                    on any pretext or pretence whatever. All other British subjects residing in the country
                    to be liable to the laws of Sikkim; but such persons shall, on no account, be punished
                    with loss of limb,  or maiming, or  torture,  and  every case of punishment of a  British
                    Subject shall at once be reported to Darjeeling.

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