Page 51 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
P. 51

VI. The High Contracting powers reserve for discussion and arrangement the
                    method in which official communications between the British authorities in India and
                    the authorities in Tibet shall be conducted.

                          VII.  Two  joint  Commissioners  shall,  within  six  months  from  ratification  of  this
                    Convention be appointed one by the British Government in India the other by the
                    Chinese  Resident  in  Tibet.  The  said  commissioners  shall  meet  and  discuss  the
                    questions which by the last three preceding Articles have been reserved.

                          Vlll.  The  present  Convention  shall  be  ratified,  and  the  ratification  shall  be
                    exchanged in London as soon as possible after the date of signature thereof.
                    In  witness  whereof  the  respective  negotiators  have  signed  the  same  and  affixed
                    thereunto the seals of their arms.

                          Done in quadruplicate at Calcutta this Seventeenth day of March in the year
                    of  our  Lord  One  Thousand  Eight  hundred  and  Ninety,  corresponding  with  the
                    Chinese date the seventh day of the second moon of the sixteenth year of Kuang

                       Sd/- Sheng Taj                                            SD/- Lansdome

                    CHINESE SEAL AND SIGNATURE                              Viceroy and Governor General

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