Page 56 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
P. 56


                          The President of India and His Highness the Maharaja of Sikkim being desirous
                    of further strengthening the good relations already existing between India and Sikkim
                    have resolved to enter into a new Treaty with each other and the President of India
                    has  for  the  purpose  appointed  as  his  Plenipotentiary  SHRI  HARISHWAR  DAYAL,
                    Political  Officer  in  Sikkim  and  HIS  HIGHNESS  THE  MAHARAJA  having  examined  Shri
                    Harishwar Dayal's credentials and found them good and in due form the two have
                    agreed as follows :

                                                          ARTICLE I

                          All previous treaties between the British Government and Sikkim which are at
                    present in force as between India and Sikkim are hereby cancelled.

                                                         ARTICLE II

                          Sikkim  shall  continue  to  be  a  Protectorate  of  India  and  subject  to  the
                    provisions of this Treaty shall enjoy autonomy in regard to its internal affairs.

                                                         ARTICLE III

                    (1)    The  Government  of  India  will  be  responsible  for  the  defence  and  territorial
                    integrity  of  Sikkim.  It  shall  have  the  right  to  take  such  measures  as  it  considers
                    necessary for the defence of Sikkim or the security of India, whether preparatory or
                    otherwise,  and  whether  within  or  outside  Sikkim.  In  particular,  the  Government  of
                    India shall have the right to station troops anywhere in Sikkim.

                    (2)    The measures referred to in para (1) will be as far as possible be taken by the
                    Government of India in consultation with the Government of Sikkim.
                    (3)    The  Government  of  Sikkim  shall  not  import  any  arms  ammunitions,  military
                    stores  or  other  warlike  materials  of  any  description  for  any  purpose  whatsoever
                    without the previous consent of the Government of India.

                                                         ARTICLE IV

                    (1)   The external relations of Sikkim whether political, economic or financial shall
                    be  conducted  and  regulated  solely  by  the  Government  of  India  and  the
                    Government of Sikkim shall have no dealings with any foreign power.

                    (2)   Subjects  of  Sikkim  travelling  to  foreign  countries  shall  be  treated  as  Indian
                    protected  persons  for  the  purpose  of  passports,  and  shall  receive  from  Indian
                    representatives abroad the same protection and facilities as Indian Nationals.

                                                         ARTICLE V

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