Page 49 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
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19.   The Government of Sikkim will not cede or lease any portion of its territory to
                    another State without the permission of the British Government.

                    20.    The  Government  of  Sikkim  engages  that  no  armed  force  belonging  to  any
                    other  country  shall  pass  through  Sikkim  without  the  sanction  of  the  British

                    21.   Seven  of  the  criminals,  whose  surrender  was  demanded  by  the  British
                    Government, having fled from Sikkim and taken refuge in Bhootan, the Government
                    of  engages  to  do  all in  its  power  to  obtain  the  delivery  of  those persons  from  the
                    Bhootan  Government,  and  in  the  event  of  any  of  these  men  again  returning  to
                    Sikkim, the Sikkim Government binds itself to seize them, and to make them over to
                    the British Authorities at Darjeeling without delay.

                    22.   With the view to the establishment of an efficient Government in Sikkim, and
                    to  better  maintenance  of  friendly  relations  with  the  British  Government,  the
                    Maharajah  of  Sikkim  agrees  to  remove  the  seat  of  his  Government  from  Tibet  to
                    Sikkim  and  to  reside  there  for  nine  months  in  the  year.  It  is  further  agreed  that  a
                    Vakeel shall be accredited by the Sikkim Government, who shall reside permanently
                    at Darjeeling.

                    23.   This  treaty,  consisting  of  twenty-three  Articles,  being  settled  and  concluded
                    by  the  Honourable  Ashley  Eden,  British  Envoy  and  His  Highness  Sekeong  Kuzoo
                    Sikkimputtee  Maharajah,  at  Tumloong,  this  28   day  of  March,  1861  corresponding
                    with 17  Dao Neepoo, 61, Mr. Eden has delivered to the Maharajah a copy of the
                    same in English with translation in Nagri and Bhootiah, under the seal and signature
                    of the said Honourable Ashley  Eden  and  His Highness  the  Sikkimputtee Maharajah
                    and  the  Sikkimputtee  Maharajah  has  in  like  manner  delivered  to  the  said
                    Honourable Ashley  Eden  another copy  also in English with translation  in  Nagri and
                    Bhootiah, bearing the seal of His Highness and the said Honourable Ashley Eden. The
                    envoy engages to procure the delivery to His Highness within six weeks from this date
                    of  copy  of  this  Treaty,  duly  ratified  by  His  Excellency,  the  Viceroy  and  Governor-
                    General of India in Council and this treaty shall in the meantime be in full force.

                    (Seal)                                                Sd/- Sekeong Kuzoo

                    ENVOY (seal)                                          Sd/-      Ashley Eden

                    (seal)                                                Sd/-      Canning

                          Ratified  by  His  Excellency,  the  Viceroy  and  Governor-General  of  India  at
                    Council at Calcutta on the Sixteenth day of April, 1861.

                                                                                                                   Sd/-   G.U. Aitchison,

                                                            Under Secretary to the Government of India.

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