Page 46 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
P. 46


                    TREATY, COVENANT, or AGREEMENT entered into by the HONOURABLE ASHLEY EDEN,
                    ENVOY  and  SPECIAL  COMNIISSIONER  on  the  Part  of  the  BRITISH  GOVERNMENT,  in
                    virtue  of  full  powers  vested  in  him  by  the  RIGHT  HONOURABLE  CHARLES,  EARL
                    KUZOO, MAHARAJAH of SIKKIM on his own Part, - 1861

                          Whereas  the  continued  depredations  and  misconduct  of  the  officers  and
                    subjects  of  the  Maharajah  of  Sikkim,  and  the  neglect  of  the  Maharajah  to  afford
                    satisfaction for the misdeeds of his people have resulted in an interruption for many
                    years past of the harmony which previously existed between the British Government
                    and  the  Government  of  Sikkim,  and  have  led  ultimately  to  the  invasion  and
                    conquest of Sikkim by a British force; and whereas the Maharajah of Sikkim has now
                    expressed  his  sincere  regret  for  the  misconduct  of  his  servants  and  subjects,  his
                    determination  to  do  all  in  his  power  to  obviate  future  misunderstanding,  and  his
                    desire to be again admitted into friendship and alliance with the British Government,
                    it is hereby agreed as follows :-

                    1.    AII  previous  treaties  made  between  the  British  Government  and  the  Sikkim
                    Government are hereby formally cancelled.

                    2.    The  whole  of  Sikkim  territory  now  in  the  occupation  of  the  British  forces  is
                    restored to the Maharajah of Sikkim, and there shall henceforth be peace and amity
                    between the two states.

                    3.    The Maharajah  of  Sikkim  undertakes,  so  far  as  is  within  his power,  to restore
                    within one month from the date of signing this Treaty all public property which was
                    abandoned by the detachment of British Troops at Rinchinpoong.

                    4.     In indemnification of the expenses incurred in 1860 by the British Government
                    in occupying a portion of the territory of Sikkim as a means of enforcing just claims
                    which had been evaded by the Government of Sikkim and as a compensation to
                    the British Subjects who were pillaged and kidnapped by the Subjects of Sikkim, the
                    Sikkim Government agrees to pay to the British authorities at Darjeeling the sum of Rs.
                    7,000 (Seven thousand) rupees in the following instalments, that is to say:-

                                                 May 1st, 1861        1,000
                                                 November 1st, 1861  3,000
                                                 May 1st, 1862        3,000

                          As security for the due payment of this amount, it is further agreed that, in the
                    event of any of these instalments not being duly paid on the date appointed, the
                    Government  of  Sikkim  shall  make  over  the  British  Government  that  portion  of  its
                    territory  bounded  on  the  South  by  the  River  Rummam,  on  the  east  by  the  Great
                    Runjeet  River,  to  the  Singaleelah  Range,  including  the  monasteries  of  Tassiding,
                    Pemonchi,  and  Changacheling  and  on  the  west  by  the  Singaleelah  Mountain

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