Page 42 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
P. 42


                          He engages for himself and successors to join the British troops with the whole
                    of  his military force  when  employed  in  the  Hills  and in  general to  afford  the  British

                    troops every aid and facility in his power.

                                                         ARTICLE V

                          That he will not permit any British subject nor the subject of any European and
                    American state to reside within his dominions, without the permission of the English-


                                                         ARTICLE VI

                          That  he  will  immediately  seize  and  deliver  up  any  dacoits  or  notorious
                    offenders that might take refuge within his territories.

                                                         ARTICLE VII

                          That  he  will  not  afford  protection  to  any  defaulters  of  revenue  or  other
                    delinquents  when  demanded  by  the  British  Government  through  their  accredited

                                                        ARTICLE VIII

                          That he will afford protection to merchants and traders from the Company’s
                    province and he engages that no duty shall be levied on the transit of merchandise

                    beyond the established custom at the several golah or marts.

                                                         ARTICLE IX

                          The  Honourable  East  India  Company  guarantees  to  the  Sikkimputtee  Rajah
                    and  his  successors,  the  full  and  peaceable  possession  of  the  tract  of  hilly  country
                    specified in the First Article of the present Agreement.

                                                         ARTICLE X

                          This treaty shall be ratified and exchanged by the Sikkimputtee Rajah within

                    one  month  from  the  present  date  and  the  counterpart  when  confirmed  by  His
                    Excellency, the Right Honourable the Governor-General, shall be transmitted to the

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