Page 40 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
P. 40


                          The Rajah of Nipal hereby engages never to take or retain in his service any
                    British  subject,  nor  the  subject  of  any  European  or  American  State,  without  the

                    consent of the British Government.

                                                        ARTICLE 8th

                          In  order  to  secure  and  improve  the  relations  of  amity  and  peace  hereby
                    established between the two States, it is agreed that accredited Ministers from each

                    shall reside at the Court of the order.

                                                        ARTICLE 9th

                          This  treaty, consisting  of Nine  Articles, Shall be ratified by the Rajah  of Nipal
                    within  fifteen  days  from  this  date,  and  the  ratification  shall  be  delivered  to
                    Lieutenant-Colonel Bradshaw, who engages to obtain and deliver the ratification of

                    the Governor-General within twenty days, or sooner, if practicable.

                                   Done at Segowlee, on the 2nd day of December 1815.

                                                                    Sd/- PARIS BRADSHAW, Lt. - Col., P.A.

                          Received this treaty from Chunder Seekur Opedeea, Agent on the part of the
                    Rajah of Nipal, in the valley of Muckwaunpoor, at half-past two o'clock p.m. on the
                    4th  of  March  1816,  and  delivered  to  him  the  Counterpart  Treaty  on  behalf  of  the

                    British Government.

                                                                                 Sd/- D.D. OCHTERLONY,
                                                                               Agent, Governor-General

                                                                                       *[COURTESY: NAMGYAL INSTITUTE OF TIBETOLOGY]

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