Page 43 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
P. 43

Done at Titalia, this tenth day of February 1817 answering the 9th of Phagoon
                    1873 Sumbut and to the thirteenth of Maugh 1223 Bengallie.

                    Sd/-Barre Latter                                             Sd/- Moira
                    Sd/-Nazir Chaina Tenjin                                      Sd/- N.B. Edmonstone

                    Sd/-Macha Teinbah                                            Sd/- Archd. Seton

                    Sd/-Lama Duchim Longadoo                                     Sd/- Geo. Dowedswell

                          Ratified by the Governor-General in Council at Fort William, this Fifteenth day
                    of March, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen.

                                                                                  Sd/- J. Adam,

                                                                 Acting Chief Secretary to Government.

                                                                     *[COURTESY: NAMGYAL INSTITUTE OF TIBETOLOGY]

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