Page 78 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
P. 78
three times in being heated. It depends on the number of marks how much of his
case he wins.
A cloth and a rug have to be paid as expenses, and the brass vessels go to
the blacksmith. In order to test the oil for boiling, a grain of barley is thrown in: if it flies
into the air, the oil is ready.
Whilst placing his hands in the oil or holding the hot stone, a statement in
writing of the case is placed on the person’s head.
The ordeal by oil may be gone through without using the stone.
Mud and water can be used in place of oil. Hot iron used to be employed in
place of the stone, but is now discontinued.
No. 12—THEFT
For taking a Jongpen’s or other great man’s things, 10,000 times their value
has to be given in return. For taking a Lama’s things 80 times their value has to be
give, a neighbour’s things 9 times, and a villager’s 7 times. For taking a stranger’s
things 4 times.
Beggars who steal from hunger have only to give back what they took.
Should one man accuse another falsely of stealing, he must give him as
compensation what he accused him of stealing.
Should a man find anything on the road and without telling take it for himself,
he must be fined double its value; but should he tell, he receives one-third the value.
Should any one recover stolen property, but not be able to catch the thief, he
receives half of the property recovered.
Should any one find a horse, any cattle, yaks or sheep and keep them for a
year without finding the owner, he receives one-fourth of the value, provided he has
not in the meantime used the animals for his own benefit.
Should any one wound a thief he is not fined.
If a thief whilst running away be killed by an arrow or stone, small fine only is
Should any one having caught a thief kill him, he is fined according to the law
of murder. The reward for catching the thief is from 1 to 5oz. of gold, according to
the amount of the property stolen.
If a husband wishes to be separated from his wife, he must pay her from 18
zho, the amount varying in accordance with the length of time they have been