Page 156 - High_Court_Of_Sikkim_Museum_ebook_Final_2024
P. 156
'Dzumsha' is a village council age council
headed by a 'Pepon'. The eaded by a 'Pepon'. The
village headman, elected by
adult members drawn from dult members drawn from
each family for a term of 2 ach family for a term of 2
years. ears.
y T The he ' 'Dzumsha' Dzumsha'
administers Civil and Criminal dministers Civil and Criminal
Justice by applying ustice by applying
customary laws. Disputes arising chiefly from theft of garden crops, animals and customary laws. Disputes arising chiefly from theft of garden crops, animals and ustomary laws. Disputes arising chiefly from theft of garden crops, animals and
adultery-related offenses are settled by 'Pepons' and village elders.related offenses are settled by 'Pepons' and village elders.
I In the North District of Sikkim (Lachen and Lachung), the system of 'Dzumsha' has In the North District of Sikkim (Lachen and Lachung), the system of 'Dzumsha' has n the North District of Sikkim (Lachen and Lachung), the system of 'Dzumsha' has
existed from time immemorial and continues to exist even today. At present, the orial and continues to exist even today. At present, the orial and continues to exist even today. At present, the
' 'Dzumsha' is headed by 2 'Pepons' and 2 'Gyapons'. A member from each family 'Dzumsha' is headed by 2 'Pepons' and 2 'Gyapons'. A member from each family Dzumsha' is headed by 2 'Pepons' and 2 'Gyapons'. A member from each family
constitutes the 'Dzumsha'. Election to 4 posts of 'Dzumsha' is held annually, during the constitutes the 'Dzumsha'. Election to 4 posts of 'Dzumsha' is held annually, during the onstitutes the 'Dzumsha'. Election to 4 posts of 'Dzumsha' is held annually, during the
annual 'Dzumsha' meeting called 'annual 'Dzumsha' meeting called 'Kyaser'. Elders of the villages called as 'Gembo' Kyaser'. Elders of the villages called as 'Gembo'
are consulted by the 'Pepons'.are consulted by the 'Pepons'.
T The Sikkim Panchayat Amendment Act, 1995 and 2001 gave recognition to the The Sikkim Panchayat Amendment Act, 1995 and 2001 gave recognition to the he Sikkim Panchayat Amendment Act, 1995 and 2001 gave recognition to the
' 'Dzumsha' and conferred it the new statutory status of a Gram Panchayat, in 'Dzumsha' and conferred it the new statutory status of a Gram Panchayat, in Dzumsha' and conferred it the new statutory status of a Gram Panchayat, in
addition to the powers and functions exercised by the 'Dzumsha' under the existing and functions exercised by the 'Dzumsha' under the existing and functions exercised by the 'Dzumsha' under the existing
traditional and customary laws.traditional and customary laws.
Painting* depicting Adda dda Court.
Adda Courts were local village ourts were local village Court
chaired by Thikadars or hikadars or Kazis. They
were classified into 1 Class, 2lass, 2 Class,
3 Class and 4 Class lass Magisterial
powers. They were later abolished in abolished in
*[COURTESY: Mr. Dhiraj Pradhan][COURTESY: Mr. Dhiraj Pradhan]